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Tag: script

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

TL;DR; A super simple Linux shell script to type a bunch of preset long “words” (only tested on Linux Mint XFCE). At the office we work with Kubernetes clusters, and we are currently moving all of our stuff to a new cluster. The new cluster however has much longer namespace names, and longer domain names. This is quite tedious to have to type in, when using for example kubectl command line tools. So I thought why not create a set…

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Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Suppose you have a kubernetes cluster, which contains a large set of ingress rules, of which many are used for the same hostname (just using different context-root’s / paths). In this case it can be hard to find out which rule is used for a certain URL. To help out in this situation I have created a Linux script to make a nice overview of paths mapped to what services by which ingress rules. You still have to read through…

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