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Tag: cloud

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

Auto-Typer – Linux Bash Script

TL;DR; A super simple Linux shell script to type a bunch of preset long “words” (only tested on Linux Mint XFCE). At the office we work with Kubernetes clusters, and we are currently moving all of our stuff to a new cluster. The new cluster however has much longer namespace names, and longer domain names. This is quite tedious to have to type in, when using for example kubectl command line tools. So I thought why not create a set…

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DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

DevTunnel – A Reverse Proxy Tunnel

I wanted to have the option to run a web-application on my local machine, and make it seem as if it is running as part of a collection of web-applications on a remote cluster. The collection of web-applications on the cluster make up the whole of a web-site, and during development you might want to “replace” one of the web-app’s by a version on your own machine, which is under development. Note: where this story mentions web-app or web-proxy, you…

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Kubernetes: Isolate Crashed Pod

Kubernetes: Isolate Crashed Pod

Introduction If you are running your pod (services / containers) on a Kubernetes cluster, and the pod runs into problems, you can decide to take it out of the load, but keep the pod running for further investigations. TL;DR; See the notes section on this site for the short summary; Note: Kubernetes Isolate Crashed Pod Kubernetes Recap Lets start with a summary of the Kubernetes components which are involved, here is a small (simplified) recap of how the parts fit…

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Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Find Kubernetes Ingress Rules

Suppose you have a kubernetes cluster, which contains a large set of ingress rules, of which many are used for the same hostname (just using different context-root’s / paths). In this case it can be hard to find out which rule is used for a certain URL. To help out in this situation I have created a Linux script to make a nice overview of paths mapped to what services by which ingress rules. You still have to read through…

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Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 6 Oauth2 and Web

Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 6 Oauth2 and Web

The last number of years I have been working in the area of migrating from legacy monolith (web) applications to a (micro) service oriented architecture (in my role of Java / DevOps / Infrastructure engineer). As this is too big of a subject to put in a single blog post, I will split this in 6 parts; (1) Overview, (2) Gateway, (3) Identity Provider, (4) Oauth2/Scopes, (5) Migrating from Legacy, (6) Oauth2 and Web. Oauth2 and Web: To-Do or not…

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Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 5 From Legacy Monolith to Services

Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 5 From Legacy Monolith to Services

The last number of years I have been working in the area of migrating from legacy monolith (web) applications to a (micro) service oriented architecture (in my role of Java / DevOps / Infrastructure engineer). As this is too big of a subject to put in a single blog post, I will split this in 6 parts; (1) Overview, (2) Gateway, (3) Identity Provider, (4) Oauth2/Scopes, (5) Migrating from Legacy, (6) Oauth2 and Web. Introduction Lets start by defining the…

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WebLogic Major Upgrade Without Downtime

WebLogic Major Upgrade Without Downtime

A trip down memory lane… A long time ago, in 2015, we were running an Oracle WebLogic 11G cluster, which needed to be upgraded to 12C. However, Oracle did only support rolling upgrades for minor versions, not for major versions… In the image above, you see a simplified layout of our cluster (there were more servers and instances in the real setup). Traffic comes in from the left, via a load-balancer (and some apache’s). It was spread across the managed…

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Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 4 – Oauth2/Scopes

Micro-services Architecture with Oauth2 and JWT – Part 4 – Oauth2/Scopes

The last number of years I have been working in the area of migrating from legacy monolith (web) applications to a (micro) service oriented architecture (in my role of Java / DevOps / Infrastructure engineer). As this is too big of a subject to put in a single blog post, I will split this in 6 parts; (1) Overview, (2) Gateway, (3) Identity Provider, (4) Oauth2/Scopes, (5) Migrating from Legacy, (6) Oauth2 and Web. Introduction Recap: In the previous articles…

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Send new created Jira ticket info to MS-Teams Channels

Send new created Jira ticket info to MS-Teams Channels

Summary We are using (self hosted) Jira (the Atlassian Issue Tracker / Scrum / Kanban Board) at the office. And we wanted to receive a chat notification for each newly created ticket, to be received in Microsoft Teams Channels. Teams is a collaboration messenger tool like Slack or RocketChat. Jira can send new ticket/story creations using a web-hook to external tools. The web-hook sends a Jira specific JSON payload, no configuration options possible. The project you are looking at, consists…

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